Love on the Spectrum US: Are Abbey and David Still Together?

Are Abbey and David From Love on The Spectrum US Still Together

Are Abbey and David From Love on The Spectrum US Still Together? – Netflix’s Love on the Spectrum U.S.‘ is a dating reality series that is as refreshing as it is well-rounded, following in the footsteps of the blockbuster Australian original. That’s because of the open and honest way it follows a group of autistic people as they navigate the uncertain world of romance in the hopes of finding real love.

Abbey, whose match with David flipped her entire world upside down, was among them in this part of the docuseries ‘Love on the Spectrum U.S.‘, so let’s find out more about their connection, shall we?

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Are Abbey and David Still Together

The ‘Love On the Spectrum US’ Journey of Abbey and David

When we first met Abigail “Abbey” Romeo Lutes, the now-24-year-old appeared to be soaring in ecstasy because of her love for her family, Disney movies, and wild/sea animals. She did, however, admit to relating to Ariel (‘The Little Mermaid‘) whenever she is unable to express herself effectively, claiming that it makes her feel as if her voice is being taken away from her.

This is why the lion lover desired a companion that not only understood her but also resembled her in some ways. Abbey then worked with an autistic expert to improve her communication skills. When Abbey was finally ready to start looking for love again (she’d previously had a boyfriend), she met David, who was just as adorable and enthralled by animals as she was.

Their first date was to the zoo, where they discovered that David’s favourite animal was a lion, and he’d even seen them in the wild in Africa when on vacation with his family. Everything about their date was fantastic, from polite talks about their common interests to natural pauses. He suggested a trip to Africa together to gifting Abbey a flamingo bracelet.

Are David and Abbey Still Together in Real Life?

Abbey and David went on their second date to a wildlife refuge called Lions, Tigers, and Bears, which is the latter’s favourite spot. He gave her an elephant-themed accessory as well as a cap this time. But it was the shared experience of feeding the animals, David’s assurance that he’d protect Abbey from harm, a little hand-holding, and a kiss on the cheek that helped them get things moving along nicely.

The way the two got together later on a local beach just to hang out, engage more intimately, meet Abbey’s pet dog, and other things confirmed that they were on the correct track. As a result, it was no surprise when Abbey later invited David over for Christmas, where they not only exchanged lovely, meaningful gifts but also agreed to marry. As if that weren’t enough, their loved ones got closer as well, and it looked as if they could all be travelling on that African holiday together soon – like a large, blended family.

Therefore, despite the lack of indications on their social media platforms about their relationship status, we believe they’re still together, especially since Abbey lovingly informed David, “You’re my lion, and I’m your lioness.” Apart from that, we should highlight that Abbey did, in fact, go on a cruise in April 2022, just as she’d hoped for years, thanks to her own hard work and that of her mother.

After all, the young Los Angeles native has had the latter’s support in all she does, whether it’s performing music as a creative outlet, going on excursions with their dog Clementine, or launching Hats by Abbey. Abbey enjoys singing, musicals, hiking, and making/selling hats, in addition to mermaids and lions.

Stream ‘Love on the Spectrum U.S.‘ Season 1 Episodes on Netflix.

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