Hulu’s Aftershock: Who Was Shamony Gibson? How Did Shamony Gibson Die?

Who Was Shamony Gibson

Hulu’s Aftershock: Who Was Shamony Gibson? How Did Shamony Gibson Die? – The first scene of Hulu’s documentary “Aftershock” tells the tale of two women who lost their lives after giving birth as a result of difficulties that may have been handled if they had been noticed sooner. We see the start of a movement that aspires to transform how maternal care is provided in America as we watch their families deal with the loss.

The figures in the film are startling, and they make one wonder how anything like this could have persisted unchecked for so long in a developed nation. The narrative of several women is told in “Aftershock,” but it begins with Shamony Gibson. What happened to her, and who was she? Here is everything you need to know about her.

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How Did Shamony Gibson Die

Shamony Gibson: Who was She?

Shamony Gibson, who is remembered as a “kind, powerful, and solid presence in her family,” was a co-founder of “Art-ful living,” a business that encourages art as a way of life. With her seven-year partner, Omari Maynard, she completed her studies at New York University and had two children. Shawnee Benton-Gibson, a proponent of reproductive justice in New York City, is her mother.

Shamony gave birth to her second kid in Brooklyn’s Woodhull Hospital on September 23, 2019. She appeared to have given birth without incident, but while she was getting ready for surgery, she informed her mother that “the doctors had briefly battled to implant an IV in her hand, perhaps due to a blood clot.” She was taking anti-coagulants and wearing compression clothing after giving birth. Although she experienced postpartum exhaustion and shortness of breath, her mother spoke to her about pulmonary embolisms, but the doctors gave her no diagnosis.

What Caused Shamony Gibson's Death

What Caused Shamony Gibson’s Death?

Shamony Gibson, 30, passed away from a pulmonary embolism two weeks after giving birth. She complained about the symptoms for a fortnight after the birth of her child, but the physicians never gave her the attention she deserved. Her mother informed the first responders who arrived at their home following the 911 call about the likelihood of a pulmonary embolism the night before her condition deteriorated, and she was sent to the hospital. Her worries were, however, disregarded.

Even though I told them she had just given birth when they arrived, I was repeatedly asked if she used drugs. I think things might not have happened that way if she hadn’t been a dark girl,” Benton-Gibson added. The hospital to which her daughter was transferred for treatment was one of those that “does not get the resources and the funds put into it as other hospitals do,” she added. They performed a fantastic job with her, but in my opinion, they lacked some resources.

Shamony’s mother was ultimately proven to be correct. She might have been rescued if she had received a diagnosis early. However, she was out of time by the time any action was done. Omari Maynard stated, “I believe that Shamony’s death was a direct outcome of systematic racism.”

According to studies, one of the most typical postpartum consequences is pulmonary embolism. According to the CDC, 700 women in the US pass away from it each year. Additionally, 3 out of every 5 fatalities can be prevented. Athlete Serena Williams experienced this after giving birth and had to be quite persistent in getting the doctors who had been caring for her to check her for it. She had to put much effort into speaking up and getting the attention she needed, but ordinary women did not get the same treatment.

According to NPR’s 2017 study, 33% of black women report experiencing discrimination in hospitals or from healthcare professionals, who frequently make assumptions about patients based on their race and don’t really listen to their patients when they express their difficulties.

Because of this, maternal health in the US has become truly endemic, and Shamony’s mother doesn’t want this to continue to happen to others. Shawnee Benton-Gibson is working with activists and speaking with congressmen to make the future safer for black mothers and other people of any colour.

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